Shoebutton Ardisia
Shoebutton Ardisia – Ardisia elliptica
Category 1 Invasive plant
Family – Myrsinaceae
Habitat – Wet Flatwoods, Bottomland Forest, moist sites.

By Forest & Kim Starr, CC BY 3.0
Description – Evergreen shrub or small tree to 17 feet with smooth stems. New growth is reddish. Leaves are alternate, leathery, oblong to oval with entire margins, up to 8 inches long.
Flower – Mauve, star shaped, 1/2 inch across, borne in axillary clusters. Fruit is a small rounded black drupe. Distinguished from native Marlberry by reddish new growth and flowers, which are at leaf axils rather than terminal cluster, the native Marlberry has white flowers.